Monday, December 30, 2019

Supply Chain And Logistics Management - 1295 Words

Introduction What is supply chain and logistics? Supply chain management involves various activities from acquisition of raw material to distribution of final goods while logistics involves only transportation of goods. Supply chain plays integral role in business process without effective supply chain management an organization cannot meet its demands on time. So it plays crucial role in business activities. Following activities are involved in supply chain management 1. Procurement 2. Production 3. Distribution 4. Storage 5. Selling Procurement Procurement activities occurred in all supply chain activities. It has so much importance because effective decision making in procurement leads to reduces cost and finally resulted in†¦show more content†¦Storage In supply chain management storage has main importance to deal with current and future demand. Storage make it sure that organization has a specific level of inventory. Storage mainly involves warehouse activates, like load in, load out and current stock status. Maintaining storage to a specific capacity is essential to keep business in run. Any shortfall can be resulted in delay of business operations. Selling This part of supply chain management involves selling the right product to the right customer for right price. Right customer can be find with the help of market surveys and analysis. Price can be set by developing pricing strategies with respect to competition in market. Selling of product also involve setting targets of sales. Logistics Logistics is distinct from supply chain because its only involve movement of goods from one place to another. It involves two types of logistics or transportation. a. Inbound logistics Inbound logistics consists activities of receiving the raw material and its storage and distribution. b. Outbound logistics Outbound logistics involves outward movement of final product of the business. This outward movement can involve transportation of goods toward whole sellers, retailers or directly to final consumers. Raaziq logistics and supply chain management Introduction Raaziq is Pakistan’s leading logistics and ancillary

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Polyphonic Hmi Mixing Music and Math - 749 Words

Polyphonic Hmi: Mixing Music And Math 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT After failing at their first attempt to enter the music industry, Polyphonic HMI (hereinafter referred to as the â€Å"Company†), is releasing Hit Song Science (HSS), software used to predict future hit songs with 80% accuracy. An integrated marketing strategy, needs to be developed to launch an innovative product, in an industry typically known for â€Å"gut instinct† and therefore likely to meet strong customer resistance. Thus there are two key challenges to address: what is the target market and desired positioning of HSS and what is the plan for marketing this product to achieve that positioning, given a tight â€Å"shoestring† budget. 2 SITUATION ANALYSIS Polyphonic HMI wants to†¦show more content†¦Producers are similar to AR people but can also be engaged in many other different aspects of the production chain from editing the song to marketing the artist. Finally, the largest target customer segment is the unsigned artists, comprising tens of thousands of individuals desperately hoping to secure a recording contract with labels, while working on a tight budget. The Polyphonic HMI Company is a subsidiary of Barcelona based Grupo AIA and was established in 2002 to market a tool that uses a process to â€Å"number crunch† music into its constituent mathematical characteristics, such as tempo, harmony, etc. Based on these, a dotted visual representation is created where songs with similar characteristics are positioned close to each other, thereby creating a mapping of known hit songs, that they call hit clusters (see Exhibit I). The extent to which new releases â€Å"fit† those clusters should indicate their hit potential. While not known to the music industry, Polyphonic HMI has already attempted a market penetration with a music recommendation system (based on the HSS core technology) to be used close to the end of the value chain, the retailers, to support them in increasing sales to consumers. Declining market conditions did not make this a successful attempt. Albeit, the Company works with a small group of scientists and has the ability to borrow specialized resources from the parent Company, keeping running costsShow MoreRelatedPolyphonic Hmi: Mixing Math and Music Essay2305 Words   |  10 PagesExecutive Cover Memo Subject: Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Math and Music This is to recommend that Hit Song Science should market its product and services to record labels attempting to catch a larger share of the market. BACKGROUND Polyphonic HMI is preparing to launch Hit Song Science, which analyzes the mathematical characteristics of music compared to past music hits, making it possible to determine a song’s hit potential. Music characteristics can be analyzed by math such as melody, tempo, pitchRead MorePolyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math (Case Study Review) Essay1979 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿ Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math (Case Review) Abstract This paper is an analysis of a case study originally conducted by the Harvard Business School in August of 2005 and is based on the challenges of introducing a new technology into a market place that for decades been based on â€Å"gut feelings and intuition†. The new technology was initially designed to assist consumers in music stores find music that met a certain criteria. Later this was changed because of a sharp decline in musicRead MorePolyphonic2316 Words   |  10 PagesPolyphonic HMI : Mixing Music and Math Entertainment Management Situation Analysis Issue Deï ¬ nition Environment Analysis Strategy Options Choice Action Plan Situation Analysis Situation Analysis(External) So few songs actually become hits - Las Vegas gives you better odds than the Music Industry! You might as well just put a million dollars on red and spin the wheel... - Ric Wake, Independent Music Producer Entertainment Management : Polyphonic HMI : Mixing Music and Math

Friday, December 13, 2019

Christianity Free Essays

Describe the impact of Christian ecumenical movements in Australia: * The National Council of Churches * NSW Ecumenical Council Ecumenism refers to the cooperation between different denominations of Christianity to create unity. There are many benefits of ecumenism such as , building trust, reduces duplication, promotes unity, allows for pooling of resources, and so much more. Two Councils which maintain and promote these values are The National Council of Churches and the NSW Ecumenical Council. We will write a custom essay sample on Christianity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Through the projects and events these two councils undertake, they impact on the society around them by providing aid to the many communities that receive their service. The National Council of Churches (later renamed The National Council of Churches Australia or NCCA) is a national organisation established in 1946, after the devastation of World War II. It has fifteen member churches, including: Anglicans, Lutherans, Greek Orthodox, Salvation Army and the Uniting Church, just to name some. Through the unity of so various churches and state ecumenical councils, the NCCA works collaboratively for causes such as Indigenous rights, overseas aid, refugees, environmental issues, social justice and more. The impact of the NCCA is effective and enormous, for example it helped to resettle hundreds of refugee families and also helped protect thousands of refugees from Kosovo and East Timor, through their National Program on Refugees and Displaced People (NPRDP). Not only this, however, through the sponsorship of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission (NATSIEC), NCCA supports important indigenous issues such as, Reconciliation, education and facilitating the development of Indigenous spirituality. The NSW Ecumenical Council is a denomination of the NCCA, as it is a state organisation rather than a national one. The NSW Ecumenical Council has an additional four churches to the NCCA’s already fifteen members. They include: St Thomas’ Indian Orthodox Church, The Syrian Orthodox Church, The Mar Thoma Church, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church. The causes affiliated by the NSW Ecumenical Council include the Christmas Bowl, refugees, the House of Welcome (organisation providing help for refugees), theological reflection and social justice. As the NSW Ecumenical Council is a state division of the NCCA, it furthers positive impact to the Ecumenical movement, most prominently through the NSW Ecumenical Council’s Social Justice Program. This program seeks to address issues for all people. One particular focus is on the rights of Indigenous Australians, which supports and aids with Indigenous issues. Another key project is the Ministry with Refugees project. This project provides a large number of activities, provisions, education, visits to detainees and support and funding for the House of Welcome (a centre which facilitates the integration of newly released immigrants to the wider community). Evaluate the importance of interfaith dialogue in multifaith Australia. With all the talk of clashes of civilisations and religious differences, it is time we get together and understand each other† This is the description of interfaith dialogue given by Dr Ameer Ali, president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. Though, interfaith dialogue refers to the co-operation between people of different religious traditions, and it plays a major role in keeping harmony among the Australian society. The significance of the role of interfaith dialogue is echoed through the many affiliations and events that occur in the name of interfaith co-operation. A prime example of this can be seen through the multifaith vigil which was held in Strathfield Plaza, on 15th September 2001, after the terrorist attack on USA. Many religious groups attended this vigil including, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, Anglicans, Korean Christian and Pentecostals, among many others. Through this interfaith co-operation, the harmony and companionship of multifaith Australia can be seen. Another example can be seen through the ANZAC Day service of 2001 was held both by Buddhist monks and Christian ministers. This, again, shows that the harmony of the multicultural, and multifaith Australian society. How to cite Christianity, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Chemistry Lab Chemical and Physical Properties free essay sample

Did you observe any chemical changes in this experiment? Yes there were a lot of chemical changes with the HCl, one with the NaOH, and some with heat and hot water. B. What evidence did you use to decide that something was a chemical change? The starting and ending product were different, color change, sound, heat, and gas production. C. Give at least two examples of chemical changes you observed: HCl and CuCO3 turned bright green, NaOH and CuCO3 D. Classify the following properties of sodium metal as physical or chemical: * Silver metallic color: chemical * Turns gray in air: chemical * Melts at 98*C: physical * Reacts explosively with chlorine gas: chemical E. Classify the following changes as physical or chemical : * Water freezes at O*C: physical * Baking soda when combined with vinegar produces bubbles: chemical * Mothballs gradually disappear at room temperature: chemical * Ice cubes in freezer get smaller with time: chemical * Baking soda loses mass as its heated: chemical * Tarnishing of silver: chemical F. We will write a custom essay sample on Chemistry Lab Chemical and Physical Properties or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How would you show that dissolving table salt is a physical change? When you dissolve salt it is a chemical change because it dissociates in Na+ ions and Cl- ions. But when you remove the water then the salt remains which is physical change. (http://chemistry. about. com/od/matter/a/lsdissolving-salt-in-water-a-chemical-change-orphysical-change. htm )