Thursday, September 3, 2020

Marketing Packaging and Labeling Essay Example for Free

Showcasing Packaging and Labeling Essay Bundling and Labeling What you’ll realize . . . †¢ The chief elements of item bundling †¢ The primary elements of marks Bundling †¢ The physical compartment or wrapping for an item. Elements of Packaging †¢ Promoting and Selling the Product Elements of Packaging †¢ Defining Product Identity †conjures notoriety, comfort, or status Elements of Packaging †¢ Provides Information †UPC images, substance, ensures, healthy benefit, expected perils Elements of Packaging †¢ Meeting Customer Needs †different sizes, nibble packs, and so on. Elements of Packaging †¢ Ensuring Safe Use †plastic rather than glass, tamperresistant bundling, blisterpacks, childproof holders To find out about the Tylenol murders in 1982, and the subsequent development of the sealed bundle, click on the Tylenol box above. Elements of Packaging †¢ Protecting the Product †during transportation, stockpiling, and show. Shields food from decay. Forestalls shoplifting Contemporary Packaging Issues †¢ Aseptic Packaging †Incorporates an innovation that keeps nourishments new without refrigeration for expanded periods Contemporary Packaging Issues †¢ Environmental Packaging †reusable, recyclable, less inefficient, and more secure for the earth Contemporary Packaging Issues †¢ Cause Packaging †to advance non-item issues, for example, social and political causes Ex: Body Shop, Ben Jerry’s Click on the frozen yogurt container to find out about reason bundling at Ben and Jerry’s Marking †¢ A mark is a data tag, covering, seal, or engraved message connected to an item A marks primary capacity is to advise about substance and give bearings Brand Label †gives the brand name, and so forth. Distinct Label †¢ Information about item use, care, different highlights Evaluation Label †¢ States the quality †AA, A, B Marking Laws †¢ Many bundle marks must meet neighborhood, state, and government principles †¢ FDA †Federal Food and Drug Administration †requires nourishing data, manages wellbeing claims and characterizes engaging terms, for example, â€Å"light,† â€Å"free,† â€Å"low,† and â€Å"reduced† to make them steady on all items †¢ FTC †Federal Trade Commission †screens for beguiling promoting that is bogus or misdirecting, including rules for ecological cases like â€Å"recycled† or â€Å"biodegradable.†

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Discussion Question 2 Week 8 Capital Structure Decisions Assignment

Conversation Question 2 Week 8 Capital Structure Decisions - Assignment Example This is the place organizations with higher measure of obligation are more dangerous. Choices on the capital structure of an organization will be affected by the business danger of the organization, the administration style, the economic situations and the development rate (Bierman, 2003). In this way, any methodology taken when settling on this choice ought to think about these elements. There are various hypotheses to capital structure, which include: the overall gain hypothesis of capital structure. This hypothesis urges organizations to diminish their expense of capital and increment their fairly estimated worth. This is by expanding obligation and diminishing value, otherwise called having a budgetary influence. The second hypothesis of capital structure is the net working hypothesis of capital structure. This strategy doesn't concur with expanding the budgetary influence as in the net gain hypothesis. This implies change in capital structure has no impact on the company’ s showcase esteem. There is likewise the Modigliani and mill operator strategy which expresses that no relationship exists between the capital structure of the organization and its expense of capital (Shim, 2008). This hypothesis shows that the expense of capital in addition to the estimation of any organization rely upon the desires for financial specialists. At long last, there is the customary hypothesis of capital structure which consolidates net working salary approach and the overall gain approach. It includes expanding the obligation which raises the market estimation of the organization until an ideal level. Taking a gander at the speculations, obviously the customary hypothesis of capital structure is the most appropriate over the amplest number of situations. This is on the grounds that this strategy takes a gander at the best blend of obligation and value while guaranteeing that the organization doesn't go past the ideal level. This ideal level guarantees that the market estimation of the organization doesn't diminish and in this manner the stock costs stay ideal. Since this strategy advances the stock costs, the weighted-normal expense of capital will

Friday, August 21, 2020

Symbol of American Culture - Uncle Sam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Image of American Culture - Uncle Sam - Essay Example History dates the American war with England in the north to 1812. Samuel Wilson was given the delicate to assess and flexibly American fighters during the war with meat. He was an eminent meat and pork packer, investigator and wholesaler in New York. The United States government moved the meat bearing â€Å"U.S† on the barrels since the warriors realized that the meat was from the administration yet investigated by Samuel, they began to allude to the meat as Uncle Sam’s. After a year this name was embraced by the populaces as the informal name for the United States central government (Swosugrad09 and Miller, pg.4-6). A few other government properties that went through Samuel for investigation were stamped â€Å"U.S†, causing the individuals in the nation to accept that Uncle Sam was the administration. There was a need to give Uncle Sam a figure to help in his imagery top the American individuals. Fashioners began to make their own pictures of Uncle Sam for drawi ngs, flags and papers. Additionally, enlistment process for the American armed force for the First World War, made a road where Uncle Sam was represented. The drawing indicated a man with a harsh face, clad in a blue coat, white shirt and a cap with stars on it. This was a portrayal of the American banner which had blue, white and red with 49 stars in it. The man was drawn with a sharp finger with enormous subtitled words underneath it, making it ‘talk’ to individuals. ... In the move by congress to improve the security of the nation and its kin, the congress tried to utilize cameras and PCs in the resident’s houses to screen any security dangers. Papers writers who were against the move composed articles and alluded to the administration as Uncle Sam watching out for his kin. This finishes up all that Uncle Sam does is an image not to speak to the individuals, yet the administration itself. Varieties in government activities have prompted deviation in the portrayal of Uncle Sam to the individuals. At the point when a positive signal is done or accomplished by the administration, Uncle Sam is wearing United States representative hues speaking to his cooperative attitude for residents. At the point when the administration causes strategies that the residents to feel conflict with their desires, he is spoken to in drawings clad in regular clothes demonstrating it is against wishes of the American residents. Uncle Sam likewise has had more prominen t acknowledgment with his symbolization of energy. He was put on the map in two periods where the American residents needed a dad figure. His impact during the war in 1812 and later his essence that propelled the Americans in the First World War demonstrated his call for nationalism. Also, with the present changes that have experienced in the United States, Uncle Sam figure has not come up short on some analysis. In the first place, with the expansion in the minority nearness in the United States populace, the figure is seen not to sufficiently speak to them. Uncle Sam advanced when American was chiefly comprised of the white populace. Also, with the present changes in demography and increment in minority bunches in the country’s huge populace, Uncle Sam may lose a portion of his noticeable quality among the individuals. The minority populace may request the

Monday, June 8, 2020

Leadership and Management Development Program - 3025 Words

Leadership and Management Development Program (Research Paper Sample) Content: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMBy NameCourseInstructorInstitutionLocationDateIntroductionLeadership and management development is an approach aimed at expanding the ability of people in leadership positions to perform in an organization (Keast Mandell 2013). The development process takes some stages to equip leaders with skills that will catapult their organizations to greater heights. There are various programs that may serve to help leaders and managers such as systematic approach that has been successful for many companies. The systematic approach considers the differing expectations of leaders and managers and organizational practices that will allow them to work at peak efficiency.Leaders and managers work together with upper management on a plan that will help their development. Leaders and managers must work together to document goals and any projected problems that would hinder success (Latham Seijts 2013). Companies can also organize workshop s to inform their employees on the basics of leadership and management by focusing on companies' values and principles. GlaxoSmithKline Company can use induction, reflective experience process, mentoring programs, and consolidation of skills to develop managers and leaders.Background of GlaxoSmithKlineGlaxoSmithKline is a British international pharmaceutical company that has headquarters in London. The company was established early in this century by an amalgamation of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline. GlaxoSmithKline is a science-led global healthcare organization that researches and develops various innovative products in the areas of Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals, and Consumer Healthcare. The company has a considerable global presence since it operates in more than 150 countries and boasts of 86 manufacturing sites in more than 35 countries. It has Research and Development centers in the United Kingdom, United States, China and Belgium (GlaxoSmithKline 2015).The companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Pha rmaceuticals business develops and manufactures medicines to treat different diseases. The Pharmaceutical business is made up of patent-protected and off-patent medicines that have impacted the whole world.ÂThe company develops and promotes various health products that are based on scientific innovation. The companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s brands include Oral health, Total Wellness, Skin health, and Nutrition; they include TUMS, Aquafresh, and Sensodyne (GlaxoSmithKline 2015).GlaxoSmithKline invests in people to ensure a lasting sustainability of its business. The companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s employment practices assist in creating the right place of work culture where every person feels valued, esteemed, and inspired. The company has about 100,000 employees around the world in 150 different nations. In the United States alone, GlaxoSmithKline has more than 16, 000 employees in every state, including almost 3,600 in Research Triangle Park and 5,000 in the Philadelphia area (GlaxoSmithKline 2015).Ind eed, the company experiences some moral challenges and certain issues to deal with. Due to a large number of employees, the company finds it hard dealing with industrial unrests and the demand to increase remunerations for close to 100,000 employees. Since the company operates in 150 different nations, it faces cultural barriers hence hindering its operation process. In this case, Sanyal (2015) encourages company managers to accept some cultural and individual differences in the workplace.Moreover, the company experiences some external competition from other established companies. Additionally, the company has to consider some technological innovations so as to cope up with emerging trends in the industry. For the sake of security in its businesses, the company needs to take caution of countries that experience political hostilities. Other internal issues include employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s skills to meet operation demands, efficient communication between different departments, a better wo rking environment, and competent leadership strategies (Boyatzis 1982).The overall learning strategy of the programThe learning strategy of Glwould axoSmithKline articulates the employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s skills, strategies, and competencies needed to enhance a productive and sustainable organization. The learning and development strategy would set out processes that would envision and implement the capabilities so as to enhance the effectiveness of Glwould axoSmithKlineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s operations. One of the formal learning strategies involves the provision of an outstanding opportunity to succeed in business today. The company values employees who can apply innovation and imagination to make the company successful in all ways. The company requires incredible leaders and managers who can produce high-performance and promote engagement among employees (Collins et al. 2011).Furthermore, the company engages its leaders in other informal learning programs. At the core of the business, it is the ability to make future leaders who can take the company a step further. Participants in the leadership and management informal programs will be in a position to demonstrate leadership competencies. Leaning consultants can design clear and strategic teams plan so as to enhance a team with common objectives. Leaders can also put emphasis on responsibilities and team accomplishments rather than focusing on social networking. Also, action learning plays a significant role in enhancing informal learning and strategic planning. Action learning replicating the formal learning activities helps to transfer the lessons gained in the classroom to the workplace (Collins et al. 2011).Besides, leaders can gain some leadership skills and knowledge from various experiences outside the setting of classroom or informal academic setting. Experiential learning may comprise different activities such as undergraduate research exercises, organizational internships, service learning, and other professional undertakings. Supervised, organized and well-planned experiential learning may result to an enhanced interdisciplinary leaning, personality development, and other professional qualities. Through such learning strategies, leadership and management programs accrue a variety of benefits to organization leaders (Collins et al. 2011): * Inspire and develop managers and leaders * Manage their businesses and understand the key drivers for their businesses * Create strategies and cause change * Adapt to doing business in the world market * Ensures that the priorities of functions agree with business goalsThe implementation strategy for the programProcess evaluation focuses on the best way to achieve the objectives of an organization. The implementation provides practitioners with an opportunity to implement policies in the best way. Besides, the implementation and evaluation strategy helps to estimate the extent to which a given policy reached the targeted participants. Indeed, implementa tion plays a critical role in enhancing the expected benefits and promoting strategy effectiveness. The organization can make use of process evaluations so as to determine the effectiveness of its major operations. Also, evaluation helps managers and leaders to identify areas that need further improvements within the organization. Leaders can utilize process evaluation to provide details for process improvements, reach the target audience, and enhance effective communication within the organization (Benard 2012).Before the implementation of the leadership and management development program, the company needs to consider what employees will find valuable and what the company wants to accomplish. A needs assessment done by GlaxoSmithKline will assist the company first to identify the program objectives of the program. Besides, the company will know the skills employees want to gain. Designing a curriculum that will address the needs of participants will help managers and leaders to be passionate about the program.Furthermore, the organizational framework and strategic implementation relies on three principle aspect: cultural norms, effective infrastructure, and organizational capacity. The following steps can be taken before implementing a development program (Keast Mandell 2013):Developing Framework: Before GlaxoSmithKline can implement its leadership development program, it is imperative to describe what skills, knowledge, and abilities are necessary for leaders and managers to be taught. If the company fails to understand these needs, it will be hard to measure the effectiveness of its development program.ÂEstablish Need: It may be very hard for managers and leaders to see their challenges; it is critical to help them understand their challenges. For instance, leaders and managers can instinctively settle into one management style that allows them to be contented. The challenge with this is that not every management style is suitable for all occasions.à ƒâ€šProvide Training: Leaders and managers must be taught the necessary competencies to help them perform their duties.ÂEncouraging Experiential Learning: Leaders and managers need to get that opportunity to exercise their skills. They need to be motivated to embrace new challenges that will expose them to opportunities they can use their skills. If a manager or a leader is learning financial management skills, then he or she needs to be put in charge of a team that experiences financial challenges. ÂFeedback: Leaders and managers need to get feedback on their performance to know their progress. They must be informed if their performance has improved and what they can do to make their performance better. They need to be continuously provided with feedback until they achieve the target they are set out to realize.Appraise Success: The success of t...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Catherine II Life and Accomplishments Essay - 1639 Words

Catherine II Catherine II of Russia was one of the most influential rulers in Russian history. Catherine was born a princess in Germany, originally named Sophie Fredericke Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst, but moved to Russia, changed her name and married the heir to the throne (Massie 96). Prior to Catherine’s reign her husband, Peter III, whom she married at age fifteen was in power. Their marriage was an unhappy one and Peter often was unfaithful to Catherine .Peter also proved very unpopular among the Russian people. He was very immature and made many poor political decisions. Peter soon was overthrown and eventually murdered. Catherine came to rule Russia shortly after the death of her husband Peter III. She was eager to learn the ways of†¦show more content†¦Catherine had an aggressive yet realistic handle on foreign affairs. Her impressive army helped her to defeat other nations and conquer land for Russia, increasing their size. She annexed land through the partition of Poland an d along the Baltic coast. She also allied with Austria and went to war with the Ottomans in 1787, ending in victory for Russia (Catherine II). One of Catherine’s main goals was to secure Russia a warm water port and through this victory she got it on the coast of the Black Sea. This was important because it was Russia’s first warm water port, increasing their ability to trade by providing an outlet to the Mediterranean, giving them access to the rest of Europe. This new area along the Black Sea also provided them with fertile, farmable land which helped to feed Russia’s growing population. In 1795, Russia acquired Lithuania, the Ukraine, and Courland from Poland by sending troops into Poland, forcing them to sign the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji which arranged the second partition of Poland, annexing a total of one hundred ninety thousand square miles of land for Russia. Catherine also annexed Crimea and Belarus (Marker). This expanded Russia’s power and inf luence on other countries and also how showed how Catherine helped imperialism within Russia. Another one of Catherine’s accomplishments was her domestic affairs and her focus on internal Russia. Catherine was very proud to think of herself as anShow MoreRelatedCatherine The Great s Reign1309 Words   |  6 PagesCatherine the Great is recognised world-wide as one of the most prominent and successful historical rulers of Russia. Catherine ll, Empress of Russia, is remembered in the majority, as an incredible leader of her time; with full entitlement of the title â€Å"The Great†. The term or title of â€Å"The Great† was given to rulers of the past by themselves or their countrymen, due to significant achievements or victories during their time of reign. The term Great has multiple meanings but in regards to leadershipRead MoreMemoirs of Princess Dashkova1534 Words   |  7 Pagessociety and more importantly, to earn the respect of Catherine the Great. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Understanding of Various Motivation Theories - 1882 Words

Describe, compare and contrast one process and one content theory of motivation. Evaluate how appropriate they are for organisations today. This essay’s aim is to analyse and establish an understanding of various motivation theories and their possible application within organisations. Along with implementing, the information related to motivation, this essay would demonstrate the importance of motivation and it is necessary for organisations to motivate their employees effectively Motivation derives from the Latin word â€Å"movere† which means to move. Luthans (1998) defines motivation as â€Å"a process which begins with physiological or psychological need or deficiency which triggers behaviour or a drive that is aimed at a goal or an†¦show more content†¦Advancement and work itself are dissatisfying factors where in Herzbergs theory they are motivating factors. Relationship with peers and subordinates, performance and recognition are the dominant driving force in ITES. The study indicates that these factors are the main motivators in the Information Technology Enabled Services and for this reason, Herzbergs theory is not entirely appropriate. Even though Herzbergs theory is not entirely applicable in the construction and Information Technology industries, recent researches in the hospitality and tourism indicate that Motivation-Hygiene theory is of quite importance when using seasonal workers (Lundberg, C., Gudmundson, A. and Anderson, T.D. , 2009). On the other hand, a process theory like Vroom’s Expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964) focuses on the outcome and not on needs unlike Herzberg. It gives an answer for why individuals select one behavioural option above others. The Expectancy Theory argues, People make decisions among alternative plans of behaviour based on their perceptions [expectancies] of the degree to which a given behaviour will lead to desired outcomes (Mathibe, I.R. 2008). Vroom theorized that the source of motivation in Expectancy Theory is a multiplicative function of valence, instrumentality and expectancy. (Stecher and Rosse, 2007), where valence means value and refers toShow MoreRelatedDavid Mcclelland And His Achievement Theory1199 Words   |  5 Pageshis Achievement Motivation Theory, also commonly referred to as Need Achievement Theory, and its relationship to leadership and motivation within business. Furthermore, this manuscript will observe material from various fields as it correlates to the ove rarching principle of leadership and motivation within business management. 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Without the ability to use the mutual relationship of leadership to influence the motivators of followers, leaders stagnate and are limited by their own inability to accomplish all that must be for real change to occur. In less Rostonian terms (that is, based on Rost (1993)), without a motivated group of followers leaders are stranded and not achieving to a level of excellence.

Lab 1 on Ph Levels free essay sample

Section 1: You will be testing 4 known solutions for pH levels using a standard wide-range indicator. Based off of the results obtained in the lab room, fill in the following table: 1. How many drops of wide range indicator will you use for each test, based on industry standards such as the LaMotte field test? 10 drops of indicator solution. |Solution Number |pH from Lab |Acid or Base? Solution Name (from Lab results) | |Solution 1 |6 | |Water | |Solution 2 |2 | |Lemon Juice | |Solution 3 |12 | |Bleach | |Solution 4 |5 | |Coffee | Section 2: Now that you understand how to read pH measurements, go out into the field to gather pH samples from 3 different lakes to take back to the lab for testing, and answer the following question: 2. What was the pH level measured at Lake 1? 6 3. What was the pH level measured at Lake 2? 4 4. What was the pH level measured at Lake 3? 5 5. Which two lakes have the highest levels of acidity in their water? Lake 2 and lake 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab 1 on Ph Levels or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 6. Based off of the information gathered at each lake, explain why your results may have turned out this way. Perhaps the pollution from lake one went down stream to the other two lakes, leaving lake 1 to seem more of a base solution. Part II: For the following questions, provide your response in short-answer format (2–3 sentences each). Use this Phase’s activities and resources to assist you in answering. 7. What is pH? 8. What is a base? A base is a solution that has a reading of higher than 7 on the pH scale. Examples include hard water, human blood, and soap. 9. What is an acid? An acid is a solution that has a reading of lower than 7 on the pH scale. Examples include soft water, Hydrochloric acid, and soda. 10. What does it mean if a solution has more hydrogen ions (H+)? Then the solution is acidic. 11. What does it mean if a solution has more hydroxide ions (OH-)? Then the solution is a base. 12. What does it mean if a solution is neutral? The hydrogen ions and the hydroxide ions are balanced. 13. Explain the pH scale and how it is used to indicate acidic, alkaline, and neutral solutions. The pH scale is labeled from 0 to 14. Less than 7 is deemed to be the most acidic, 7 deemed neutral, and more than 7 deemed a base. 14. What does it mean in terms of strength when the pH of an acid changes from 5 to 4? The solution has become 10 times more acidic.