Sunday, May 17, 2020

Catherine II Life and Accomplishments Essay - 1639 Words

Catherine II Catherine II of Russia was one of the most influential rulers in Russian history. Catherine was born a princess in Germany, originally named Sophie Fredericke Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst, but moved to Russia, changed her name and married the heir to the throne (Massie 96). Prior to Catherine’s reign her husband, Peter III, whom she married at age fifteen was in power. Their marriage was an unhappy one and Peter often was unfaithful to Catherine .Peter also proved very unpopular among the Russian people. He was very immature and made many poor political decisions. Peter soon was overthrown and eventually murdered. Catherine came to rule Russia shortly after the death of her husband Peter III. She was eager to learn the ways of†¦show more content†¦Catherine had an aggressive yet realistic handle on foreign affairs. Her impressive army helped her to defeat other nations and conquer land for Russia, increasing their size. She annexed land through the partition of Poland an d along the Baltic coast. She also allied with Austria and went to war with the Ottomans in 1787, ending in victory for Russia (Catherine II). One of Catherine’s main goals was to secure Russia a warm water port and through this victory she got it on the coast of the Black Sea. This was important because it was Russia’s first warm water port, increasing their ability to trade by providing an outlet to the Mediterranean, giving them access to the rest of Europe. This new area along the Black Sea also provided them with fertile, farmable land which helped to feed Russia’s growing population. In 1795, Russia acquired Lithuania, the Ukraine, and Courland from Poland by sending troops into Poland, forcing them to sign the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji which arranged the second partition of Poland, annexing a total of one hundred ninety thousand square miles of land for Russia. Catherine also annexed Crimea and Belarus (Marker). This expanded Russia’s power and inf luence on other countries and also how showed how Catherine helped imperialism within Russia. Another one of Catherine’s accomplishments was her domestic affairs and her focus on internal Russia. Catherine was very proud to think of herself as anShow MoreRelatedCatherine The Great s Reign1309 Words   |  6 PagesCatherine the Great is recognised world-wide as one of the most prominent and successful historical rulers of Russia. Catherine ll, Empress of Russia, is remembered in the majority, as an incredible leader of her time; with full entitlement of the title â€Å"The Great†. The term or title of â€Å"The Great† was given to rulers of the past by themselves or their countrymen, due to significant achievements or victories during their time of reign. The term Great has multiple meanings but in regards to leadershipRead MoreMemoirs of Princess Dashkova1534 Words   |  7 Pagessociety and more importantly, to earn the respect of Catherine the Great. 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